I was on neither end, instead I was in stages where it felt I was like the fleeting pages of a catalog wisping by, only to wisp back to distance between pages, room where they neither touched or were compressed becoming finely compressed. Like the flight of a bird with grace and strength. Even the small, they are mighty. The feeling inside your head...? the sloshing crudeness. The result of an experiment ?
the rest will fall into place..
It becomes definite a vehicle needs to be used. The sky blue with white wisps, an Atlantic sky, and from watching the Sun set in the West, to watching the Sunrise on the Atlantic
Indoors or outdoors, magic is magic. And one does not waste it on trivial pursuits. It is like anything and only increases if stored up. Oh, it's possible to store. Back to the magic, you see there are some pretty powerful sayings and words all meant to amaze you and impress you.
It was Vertigo.... simple awful spinning and less seeing well. But it is becoming known as the cost of doing business. Just an hour before I was trying on some turquoise camo-shorts and chukka boots and had bought them. And during off time thought it a great opportunity to just be shopping... in the Caribbean. Then other times I amuse myself writing in some pretty ...um....forum, I'll just leave you here....
Traveling through the forest has become difficult, and with the advent of better technology, that day is coming to a close. There will not be legal passing through, instead no-trespassing will be posted. Nite-vision goggles and dark hoodies are likely to be what you see.