Monday, November 7, 2022

Thinking back

it may be fulll of comonalities to perhaps what you have experianced, but I will try to be as real as I can remember. Hay it was 1970 after all, what were you doing in 1970....? ok then.. first I have little control of my didgets and typing is pecking with my left 'flip' finger, and on the right, my index. The rest of my fingers tingle to numbness, even these fingers, I can bend and hold bent so that is a plus. Not about what I can't do, it's about filling in the time from now  till the reaper catches up with you. And what will that moment be like ? I know your thinking heaven'r'hell.. that's the idea.. Oh if I miss a beat, I said it would happen. sorry. and all hose around me are setting around in anxiety. You can watch the big screen or surf or ..... it's like that Bible guys scripture.... it'll come to me in a while.. Solomon, or Ahab 'er sumpin.  VANITY, I think Eclesastics 1 and 2. yep..

And if you want to dwell on it, all is vanity. But the alternative is sedentary and of little good. Have something to do or be  lonley. I guess some of that time will be taken up surfing and searches then the time comes when sleep wants to overtake you, and you want it to. Enough blanket and pillow and anything's possible lol. And that is coming, soon enough. Good for me, I just got some Corduroy pants for winter, the rest is Carhartts, So yea it's somthing you have to control and decide how much your worth in this conclusion-fest. And my Daughter likes to make noise with her new exhaust. it's a Roush exhaust, a big deal. I liked the fast things when I was that age, I had a VW Bug all tricked out hotrod. EMPI... authentic.  So I hope she don't get herself a ticket or get in a crash, my friend Mary's daughter is in icu with all kind of serious and life threatening. Rachael wanted to live with these type and it was their destination eventually. I feel sorry for Rachael though, poor lady. She's like 40 or so now I knew her when she and Gina Both were born. I'v known Mary longer of course. The family changed dynamics with Tony, and not for the better. 

 He was a friend, but not a very good one. A Coward, theif and a drunk. Still there were times of great fun, but he always took it to far to the danger zone, and always took advantage of my kindness and friendship..

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